‘From the first quote online to the electronic transmission of the signed contract to the lender, it’s one deal, start to finish,’ Reynolds and Reynolds President Chris Walsh says of the new functionality.
IMAGE: Reynolds and Reynolds
Reynolds and Reynolds and Gubagoo will showcase at NADA the ability to accurately work a single deal from online to desking to the DMS. New functionality provides a unified experience for the customer, whether they’re shopping online, browsing at the dealership, or going back and forth between the two. It results in a fast, convenient and transparent car-buying experience for both the dealer and customer.
“Nearly every consumer starts their buying process online,” said Gubagoo President Brad Title. “Yet dealers have found it challenging to transact online, or seamlessly transition from online to in-store, because their tools lacked the needed integrations. A salesperson or F&I manager shouldn’t have to back into a deal to match what the customer saw online — and they certainly shouldn’t have to explain to a customer why their payment is higher than what they were told previously.”
Being forced to use a variety of tax tables and calculation engines across different tools to determine payments is what causes dealers to struggle with mismatched deals when customers move from online to in-store, and when the deal moves from desking to the DMS. However, Reynolds says its ERA calculation engine is the most accurate in the industry due to the method used for updating and documenting taxes and fees across the country. The new integrated functionality provides a single deal, with a single set of calculations, no matter where the customer is.
“Using a single deal not only creates a consistent and seamless experience for the salesperson and the customer, it allows for a fundable deal from the first interaction. From the first quote online to the electronic transmission of the signed contract to the lender, it’s one deal, start to finish,” said Reynolds President Chris Walsh. “Expanding the Reynolds Retail Management System to include Gubagoo’s Virtual Retailing is the unique next step forward for dealers to retail anywhere.”
More information about the offerings will be available at the Reynolds and Gubagoo booths at the NADA Show in Dallas.