Reynolds Chief Information Security Officer Nikhil Kalani says Reynolds’ information security expertise and the resources it’s provided Proton to scale its business, means more dealers are becoming protected and capable of compliance.
IMAGE: Reynolds and Reynolds
The Reynolds and Reynolds Co. announced that Proton Dealership IT now offers automotive dealers a set of comprehensive compliance tools and services to help them satisfy the FTC Safeguards Rule and better protect themselves against cyberattacks.
The offering includes templates for an information security program, internal risk assessment, incident response plan, and executive report. Security awareness training, phishing simulations, and third-party risk assessments are also available.
Proton specializes in dealership IT and cybersecurity, and the new offering provides an option for dealers to manage security and compliance in a cohesive way.
“All too often, companies will claim to be able to help you become compliant in an area where they have no technical expertise,” said Reynolds Chief Information Security Officer Nikhil Kalani. “When it comes to the security of your customer data, and the risk of a potential breach of personal information, you can’t afford to leave data protection in the hands of companies that don’t have the technical background to protect that data.”
Reynolds’ expertise in information security, and the resources it’s provided Proton to scale its business, means more dealers are becoming protected and capable of compliance. “Dealers will be hard pressed to find a better solution for their security needs than with this full suite of services and tools,” Kalani said.